Article Marketing can be your number one asset in making a successful move to making money online. Many will say that article marketing is not that big of a deal, and it does not improve your chances of successfully making a living online. Well the truth is "if done properly Article Marketing can boost your income" this is done by the way of
1: Exposure to your brand or website.
When you write articles and submit them online to the many article sites. Two things happen. The first is people come to these sites one way or another and find your article and read it. If the article is written well enough they click on your website or affiliate link that is in the article.
The second way is people come to these article sites to get content for their website or blog. So when your article is picked up your website or affiliate link is picked up and posted on their website or blog. Then their readers click on your links.
2: Website Backlinks
When thinking of SEO, the number one thing these days in 2012 is back links. Back links is other websites pointing to your website. This can be done with article marketing. This backlink is done by hyperlinking. You write an article and in the article you hyperlink the key word you are targeting to your website. This does a few things the main thing is it allows search engines to rank you higher for the keyword you are hyperlinking to. (depends on the keyword will depend on how many articles you will need on other websites to rank you higher in search engines)
The problem with article marketing is writing enough articles to spread around. Seriously if you needed 500 articles spread across the internet to get your website listed on page one of the search engines you will be a writing zombie. It is not impossible to write 500 articles on one topic but it will be tough.
So what many marketers are doing is spinning articles, so now they have a few articles spun that looks like unique content. So if you take 100 articles and spin them 5 times each you have 500 articles. (this is just an example)
Now there are many article spinners on the web. Made by brilliant masterminds. However the problem with many of those spinners, they spin junk. Articles that just are not readable.
One of the Best article spinners out today is the video below.
Check out Spin Rewriter and get a 70% discount today
You already know that Unique Content is KING when it comes to great link building, great search engine optimization (SEO) and - most importantly - great search engine rankings and loads of income!
On the other hand, rewriting your articles is a boring and menial process that should be shot in its ugly head.
Check out Spin Rewriter and get a 70% discount today
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